Sunday School - Promotes Scriptual knowledge for the Youth
as well as the Adults.
Prayer Intercessors - The duties of the intercessor is to
pray for the Pastor, Co-Pastor, Members, Sick & Shut-In, and other Special Prayer Request.
Children's Church - To give the Children an appreciation
for God's house by teaching them the Word of God on their level, also teach then proper behavior for worship.
Music Ministry - Consist of the Praise & Worship Team,
Choir. This Ministry works together in harmony to the Glory of God.
Audio & Visual Ministry - To provide audio & visual
messages that will be an up-lifting to the body of christ.
Women's Ministry (Sister-To-Sister Phase 1) - To teach
and develop women to reach the levels that God has called them to. In the Women's ministry women receive prayer, counseling,
and teaching of the Word of God.
Young Women's Ministry (Sister-To-Sister Phase 2) - To instruct
young women and girls on how to conduct themselves as young christians.
Transporation Ministry - This ministry is for those
that do not have transporation to and from service. Please call tha day before service so transporation can be arrange.
Greeters - They are the Gatekeepers of God's House.
Greeters control the floor during all services. Also they assist the Pastor when Needed.
Boy'z - 2 - Men Ministry - Teaching boys and young men on
how to conduct themselves as christians in the environment they are in on a daily basis. They will gradually be taught on
how to be the Priest of their home.